Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day Three

Well, this is day three of NaNoWriMo. Total word count as of 12:00 am is 3,586.

I haven't written a single word today, but it is only 9:57. I have to get in my 1,667 words by 12 pm because the Girl's Wednesday Night group (called Acteens) is leaving at 12:30 to go Christmas shopping for a really long time. *raises hand* I'm going too. . . We won't be getting back till around 7 or 8, I believe, so I'm going to get as much words as I can in right now.

Hard to believe that I won't get to use this whole Saturday to stay home and write. It's what I was really looking forward to doing, but oh well. For NaNo, they tell you to use your first weekend to write as much as you can in case you fall behind during week two. I don't know what I'm going to do Sunday. I literally have church all day long with an hour break in between.

I'm loving my plot so much right now. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I know where I have to go to be able to type 'The End' at 50,000 words. Outlining is my friend now. :P I didn't do a extremely detailed outline, but I did plot out the basics of what happens in each chapter. Other than that, I knew that my MC's name was Kristen, and her brother's name was Garrett. I don't even know the actual name of the Antagonist at the moment. *oops*

So that's my NaNo progress so far. Now, it's time to go write.



1 comment:

Yukioh said...

Good job, Crim! You're doing great! Glad to have you aboard on this zany adventure!