Saturday, October 6, 2007

I have a plot!

Yes! I'm so excited! Right as I was going to bed at midnight last night, I had a sudden idea for expanding my plot. One thing led to another, and I wrote out a whole story summary. Maybe that's why I'm tired this morning. I didn't end up going to bed until about 1 am. Oh well, at least my plot idea is worked out. :)

Now that I've written out my plot, I want to start writing it! Ugh! November can't get here soon enough! Must. . .not. . .write. . .yet.... I think I'm going to do the 'No Outline Outline' on Clean Place and finish working out the details. Whoever knew I was going to be an outliner? Not I. It can't be true! Well, maybe it is. =P

Well, I must be going. There's other blogs to visit and breakfast to eat. I know it's 10:00 am, but I've been busy. Hehe.



Yukioh said...

Glad you have a plot, Crim! :D I can't wait to find out more about your plot, keep us informed!

Brianna said...

I echo Yuki!

Great job! Congrats at having a plot.

*gasp* outlining! Extra kudos for you!

Keep us updated :D

Annie Riley said...

Oooh, very cool. Can you tell us what genre the story ish? :oD